Temperature: 1.5 °C at Ian Stewart Complex/Mt. Douglas High School Temperature: 3.9 °C at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Temperature: -0.7 °C at Saturna Elementary School Temperature: 1.3 °C at Vancouver Island University Temperature: -0.3 °C at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre Temperature: 0.4 °C at Cortes Island School

School-Based Weather Station Network

Vancouver Island

Current temperatures on Vancouver Island.
Temperature at our weather stations (34/163). Place your mouse over a station (diamond) to see the current temperature at that location. Other variables can be found on our two-dimensional plot page. A large version of the temperature map is also available. See Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands. See also: Victoriaweather.ca, Nanaimoweather.ca.

Stations in the Network

Bayside Middle School
Date:2025/02/14, 03:18
Temperature: 1.3 °C
L: -1.4 °C, H: 5.0 °C
Humidity: 18 %
Dewpoint: -20 °C
Pressure: 999 hPa barometer trend
Insolation: 0 W/m2
UV Index: 0
Rain: 0.00 mm
Wind Speed: 0 km/hr WSW

1923: New Brunswick experienced six successive heavy winter storms in January. A record total of 94&nbps;cm of snow fell in Saint John, NB.

Select a different location.

All Stations, One Variable

See plots for a single variable at all of the stations in the network.

Summary of Recent Observations

See a graphical summary of the latest observations across the entire network.

Now storing at least 12 202 261 605 observations.

Forest fire danger class rating

Contact information

For further information or data inquiries please contact Ed Wiebe at ecwiebe at uvic.ca. If you find a problem or have a question about the site please be sure to send the relevant site and page address (the URL from your browser's address bar). Also include a screen capture image if you can so that we can see what you are seeing.

Site Map

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The Vancouver Island School-Based Weather Station Network is an education first project. Data from the network are made freely available as is to the public with no guarantee of accuracy or availability. Commercial use requires a license. Please contact Ed Wiebe, ecwiebe at uvic.ca for more information. This work (this site and all contents not otherwise attributed) by School-Based Weather Station Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Creative Commons License

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Last Modified: September 10 2021 09:16:26.